Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Scenes from a bookclub

OK, so maybe my suggestion to have a self-help book for a selection was lame. But then again, I have been known to read the fine print on toothpaste tubes if nothing else was available. Why not keep an open mind?

But did we choose a day for next month? Are we just going with the 1st Monday of the month, unless there's a conflict? (I vote yes.)

And is Vivian giving up her turn to choose? How about if she takes a credit until she feels like her schedule has opened up a little? I don't care if she ends up choosing 5 in a row two or three years from now. I may be in the minority (again) on this.

One thing we all agree on -- a unanimous "YEAH!" to LESLEY (note correct spelling) on her choice of a book. I for one plan to read more by this author. And I think those of us who drink were pretty universally impressed by her hosting this time around. Actually, even those of us who don't. I say Lesley wins the bookclub award for best canapes, and best presentation of canapes. Actually, that's the first time I've ever even had canapes, but I've always wanted to try them. So thanks, Lesley, for that as well. And now that I've used your name three times in a paragraph, I hope I have forever cured myself of the egregious habit of misspelling your name, for which I will forever be deeply apologetic.

And that's all for now.

(Except a postscript to say that when I spellchecked this, guess whose name came up as a misspelling?)



Blogger Jennifer said...

I agree completely -- awesome book choice, and Lesley is a terrific host!

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow--- am patting myself on the back right now. Kind words from good friends....

12:05 PM  

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