Sunday, September 21, 2008


From that liberal rag, The Economist,

Mr McCain has also been caught telling some straightforward fibs, for example that Mrs Palin, as governor, had “never” sought federal earmark money for her state—her request per head for Alaska was the biggest in the country. He and Mrs Palin continue to insist that she killed an infamous “bridge to nowhere” project in Alaska, even though every journalist in America now knows she did so only after supporting it, and only after it became a political albatross. Mr McCain has good reason to worry about his reputation for straight-talk, the strongest part of his political brand.

Also, an interesting article in Newsweek, placing the blame for the current economic problems largely on Alan Greenspan. I, however, also blame John McCain, who co-sponsored legislation in late 1999 that deregulated financial markets, and on Bill Clinton, who signed that legislation. Which helps me remember why I never really liked Bill Clinton, and also makes me wonder why Republicans hate him. God knows he cooperated with them often enough. Which brings me to my last point, which is that this current crisis is not a failure of one party or another. It is a failure of the whole laissez-faire, free-market will sort it out, let the people do their thing philosophy. Regardless of whether this is espoused by Republicans or Democrats.


Blogger Z said...

Oops. When you wrote about Palin's specious claims regarding "The Bridge to Nowhere" you forgot to mention that Biden and Obama both voted for the "Bridge to Nowhere" twice

We all know that laissez-faire economics is a conservative philosophy. That's like saying, "I'm against Catholic social doctrine whether its espoused by Catholics or Protestants."

There is so much debate about who or what to blame. Experts seem to have very little agreement on the exact cause but which way they lean has been utterly predictable based on their politics.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Really? Because this morning I saw McCain on the news calling for increased, more effective regulation.

I guess I'm getting a little confused, then, about who exactly the conservatives are. I kind of thought there was a rough correspondence between being Republican and being conservative. But Bill Clinton was fairly supportive of laissez-faire economics as far as I can tell. Was he both a Democrat and a conservative?

As far as the bridge goes, it doesn't matter who voted for it. I don't actually care whether she supported it or not. It matters that she represents herself as having turned it down as part of her whole anti-establishment pose, when in fact she actively campaigned for it. Nor does she mention that she actually kept the money, and spent in on access roads to the bridge she had already so boldly declined.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Although, now that I think of it, we could hardly call McCain an expert on the economy, could we?

7:41 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You know, in this post and previous ones, I have said that McCain and Palin are misrepresenting themselves. You can bring in other issues, but they are different issues. They don't refute my original statement.

7:43 AM  

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