Wednesday, December 19, 2007

EPA petition

The EPA has denied California's request for a waiver that would allow California to enact more regulations on car emissions more stringent than current Federal emissions. This from administration that has touted its support for states' rights. Hardly surprising, though, given their conjoined status with Big Oil and Big Oil Money.

There are way too many reasons to support this waiver. Even if you don't think that cars are contributing to global warming, they are clearly related to childhood asthma. Air quality is always important. And if, like me, fear of the environment children will inherit keeps you awake at night, this decision is a huge blow to the solar plexus.

I think if you click on this link you will be able to send a letter to the head of the EPA, condemning this decision. If the link doesn't work, you can e-mail me and I'll forward you an e-mail that definitely has the proper link.

This isn't something we should take lying down.


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