Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Firstborn

Today is Jennifer's birthday.

She hasn't lived at home for a long time. Day-to-day concerns are so pressing for me that she's not always at the forefront of my thoughts, but she's close, so close, to my heart. I was young when she was born, not just because I was 23, but because I was still immature, unformed in many ways. We kind of grew up together. My life was unhurried and uncluttered when she was little (like a child still living with its parents, really) so we spent a lot of time together just playing, or hanging out at the park.

Who is she now?

Her own person, someone I love to talk to because she thinks in the same kind of way I do, but along totally different lines. So she can take a position that would normally be completely foreign to me and show me some merit in it.

Someone who becomes more responsible and caring every year. We've put the difficult teen years so far behind us now. This should give hope to every mother of a teenage girl, because our rocky period was REALLY rocky. She calls, she remembers birthdays, she makes time for her siblings.

She's a beautiful person, both inside and out. Talented and creative, smart and funny, able to navigate social situations that would leave me completely at a loss, I'm so glad I'm related to her. She's opened up doors in my life that I would otherwise have passed by without noticing.

Many happy returns of the day, sweetheart.


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